Saturday 19 September 2009

Papillon Issues!!!!

Unfortunatly in the last few weeks since Roxy has been allowed outside we've noticed some issues that she has! She does not like other dogs and is very scared of them, she hides growls and snaps if they come near her. We are working on this attending puppy play group at the vets and meeting lots of calm quiet dogs. She is improving but very very slowly and its baby steps all the way, fingers crossed though we'll be able to get it so shes comfortable being around other dogs.

The second issue were having is a possible health problem. On examination by the vet he noticed a possible problem with her hips, he thinks she may have Perthes disease. It should become more clear in the next couple of months if she has this or if her hips are just 'clicky'. Its a genetic disorder so if she does have this she will be spayed and I'll have to contact her breeder and hopefully they wont breed from their bitch again. Im not sure if the stud owner needs to be imformed as well!

Fun Dog Show

The place where I take my dogs for obediance training held a fun dog show a couple of weeks ago and both Alfie and Roxy did very well :D
Roxy got 1st in the best puppy class, 3rd in the best bitch class and reserve best in show. She also won dog most like its owner which my 8
year old entered her in :D

Alfie got 3rd fastest recall and 3rd waggiest tail.